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Magie de Noël chez Damart avec 1 lettre 1 sourire !
Magie de Noël chez Damart avec 1 lettre 1 sourire ! L’Association « 1 Lettre 1 Sourire’...
Nous avons célébré les 5 ans de la Fondation
Revenons en images sur les 5 ans de la Fondation, un moment fort pour nous.    Merci à nos collaborateurs...
INTERVIEW – Régine, présidente de l’association l’EGPE et du projet « Les Babalias »
Nous avons demandé à Régine si elle pouvait nous parler du projet « Les Babalias »… Merci à Régine,...
À Vélo Sans Âge, une véritable bouffé d'air
À Vélo Sans Âge, plus qu’une balade collective   À Vélo Sans Âge offre des balades aux résidents...
Nous avons célébré les 5 ans de la Fondation - LE 11 AVRIL 2024
Revenons en images sur les 5 ans de la Fondation, un moment fort pour nous.  Merci à nos collaborateurs...
L'EGPE : Les Babalias, des grands-parents soutiennent des jeunes parents.
En quoi consiste le projet « les Babalias » ? L’une des missions de l’EGPE est de faciliter la mise...
La maison des femmes, un lieu unique pour les femmes...
Un centre d’aide et d’accompagnement pour les femmes victimes de violences, un lieu de prise...
Labolobo, un Laboratoire social provoquant des rencontres intergénérationnelles
📸 Photo : Réseau sociaux de Labolobo (cliquez ici) Une association qui provoque la rencontre entre...
L'apprentissage du numérique et compétition de E-Sport, la mission de Silver Geek
La semaine du 13 mai, La Fondation et des salariés de Damart ont été invité au Trophée des Seniors lors...
Fashion Green Hub et Jocelyne, de la formation Upcycling à l’auto-entreprenariat
En mars 2022, la fondation a soutenu l’association Fashion Green Hub pour le projet « Réinsérer...
Devenir mentor pour DUO for a Job (témoignage),
Depuis un an, la Fondation et la marque Damart soutiennent l’association Duo for a Job. Une cause qui...
APPA, soutenir les aînés de la région de Zaghouan (Tunisie)
La protection des personnes âgées est au cœur des actions de l’association APPA. Possédant plusieurs...
Siel bleu, de nouvelles séances d’activité physique pour les seniors de Roubaix
Depuis 2021, la Fondation soutient l’association Siel Bleu et accueille dans l’enceinte de ses locaux...
Cysoing, the inauguration of the medicalized retirement home of the Pévèle.
On December 9, 2022, we went to the residence of Pévèle in Cysoing. A first meeting...
Damart opens its doors to the association Duo for a Job
 Le jeudi 1er décembre, des membres de l’association Duo for a Job sont venus visiter les locaux...
The family at a distance: maintaining a link between grandparents and grandchildren.
On Saturday, November 26, the EGPE (European Grandparents School) invited us to a conference on "The Art of Parenting".
Where to give your clothes ? Damart has opted for the solidarity tie
La Cravate Solidaire is an association that fights against physical discrimination in hiring. It is...
Coopers invests in the well-being of seniors with Kissing it Better.
On April 13, Coopers and KiB organized an event for Easter: the first of its kind in the world...
The Foundation meets the Cravate Solidaire
A rewarding meeting took place last week between the association La Cravate Solidaire and the...
The Olivier des Sages, the association that creates intergenerational links
Read More Read More Read More Read More   La Fondation On Seniors’ Side a...
New equipment for Tunisian associations?
Read More Read More I am item content. Click edit button to change this text. Read More Plusieurs...
The Medimoov terminal, a new form of physiotherapy?
Le jeudi 10 février, la Fondation Partage et Vie a acquis pour l’établissement Le Nouvel Horizon...
Dementia Connect, the new support service for people with dementia.
The Alzheimer Society is an organization that fights dementia. It reaches more than one million people in the...
Focus 4 Hope, the association serving isolated seniors.
The On Seniors' Side Foundation supports associations that serve isolated seniors. It is...
ICIELA, when digital technology comes to seniors
Mardi 12 octobre avait lieu une inauguration sur le site de Damartex. Un projet datant d’avant...
The Part'âge meal, when eating brings our seniors together
Le mois dernier, l’association Repas Part’âge est venu jusqu’à Hem, dans le Nord, pour rendre...
Our grandparents are honoured!
The On Seniors' Side Foundation has supported the European Grandparents School (EGPE) in its efforts to...
Our seniors eat well!
It is sometimes difficult for our seniors to eat healthy when they are alone in rural areas...
For the love of books to endure...
Les donneurs de voix nous racontent de belles histoires   La Bibliothèque Sonore de Lille, une association...
Our seniors tell their stories
Once upon a time, thanks to the collaboration of the association Histoire De Sourire of COGEDIM residences,...
Dancing at the Bateliers! 
Depuis le 8 avril dernier il y a de l’ambiance à la résidence des Bateliers de Lille. En effet grâce...
Digital technology meets the people of Roubaix
DSB, one of our entities, has contributed 5500€ to the purchase of a scooter...
All mobilized at Christmas!
#Tous Mobilisés à Noël À quelques semaines des fêtes de fin d’année, dans ce contexte sanitaire sans...
Shared meals between residents
Projet Repas part’âges Organisation de repas permettant à des résidents de résidences pour personnes...
A welcoming space to recharge your batteries
Projet La parenthèse Création d’un espace d’accueil permettant la pratique d’une activité sportive ou...
A connected scooter in Roubaix, to initiate computer science to seniors!
Projet Digibike Financement d’un triporteur connecté qui se déplace dans les quartiers de Roubaix afin...
Discover the latest video of the foundation and its touching interviews!
Organization of language workshops with the children
Training of 3 seniors to conduct language workshops with children in difficulty in schools...
The foundation supports an English wellness club
Damart and the On Seniors' Side Foundation recently raised funds for the Community Action...
How does the On Seniors' Side Foundation support the three R's?
– Recrutement, rétention et récompense de nos bénévoles unis à Wakefield. Notre proximité relie...
[COVID-19] The foundation stays close to its associations!
The current health situation affects our seniors and their daily lives. That is why the foundation...
[COVID-19] Challenge 2.6: Damart UK supports local associations
The Covid-19 pandemic had a catastrophic effect with the cancellation of thousands of events...
Adapted sports activity sessions
The project submitted to the Foundation consisted of offering seniors the opportunity to participate in free sessions...
[COVID-19] Calling for solidarity: support our seniors!
During this epidemic period, our seniors are particularly affected. They are not only the first to be affected by the...
Oldyssey: world tour of old age
The On Seniors' Side Foundation is accompanying Oldyssey on its 2019 world tour of initiatives to support...
A terminal to bring the benefits of music to hospitalized seniors
Depuis octobre 2019, une borne musicale a été installée en service court-séjour gériatrique de l’hôpital...
Support an athletic therapy program
Management of ambulatory sports therapy courses for cancer patients during the treatment of their...
Promoting the well-being of older people
The project is organized in two steps. First of all, it is a question of going to meet...
Organization of a walk for the elderly residents of the CPPA of Zaghouan
Organize a day trip for elderly residents without family support...
Computer training for seniors
Financing of a video-projector to allow training in basic computer skills for...
Rehabilitation of a therapeutic garden.
Acquisition of 4 planters for the rehabilitation of the therapeutic garden at the geriatric hospital...
Never Alone ASBL - a project that brings together elderly animals and lonely seniors
Financement d’une camionnette. Souvent les personnes âgées ne peuvent pas se déplacer jusqu’au...
Funding for a person to care for an Alzheimer's patient
Funding for a person to care for an Alzheimer's patient 1 day a week. The goal is to...
Support for the transport of seniors
We will pay for the transportation of senior citizens living in Zriba to go to their dialysis sessions in...
Development of living spaces
Designing the living spaces of a house to accommodate 12 seniors in a shared apartment. These spaces of...
Training of caregivers
Training of caregivers in order to train and teach them to accompany seniors at the end of their lives...
Opening of a 24-hour telephone line
Opening of a 24-hour telephone line allowing isolated seniors to communicate and exchange...
Fund the training of 10 companions
Financer la formation de 10 accompagnants afin de permettre le maintien à domicile des seniors. (Vera...
Organization of a music festival for seniors
Organization of a music festival for the seniors of a social residence in Chambéry in order to share their...
Financing the training of 3 seniors
To finance the training of 3 seniors in order to consolidate their language skills. They were able to...
Animation of activities in order to create a social bond
Animation of activities in order to create social link and bring conviviality between the hosts...
Promote the professional integration of 100 applicants aged 55 and over
Favoriser l’insertion professionnelle de 100 demandeurs de 55 ans et + en les accompagnant dans leur...
Acquisition of a digital tablet
Acquisition of a digital tablet equipped with an application functioning as a social network. The objective...
Financing of a writing workshop
Funding a writing workshop to help seniors develop their writing skills...
Acquisition of an interactive terminal
Acquisition of an interactive terminal that allows you to listen to music and enjoy games...
Installation of a relaxation room
Installation of a relaxation room to think and concentrate in calmness but especially to spend...
Financing outings for people living alone
Financing of outings for people living alone. The activities have allowed the seniors to socialize,...
Acquisition of an animation table for a retirement home
Acquisition of an animation table for a retirement home. The seniors can thus join...
Funding for physical activity sessions
Financing of one year of sports practice for a group of seniors. The sessions are adapted to the needs of...