The principle of the Foundation is to financially support existing associations.
Each employee, who has been with the company for more than twelve months, can create a file related to one of the three areas identified by the Foundation.
The proposed project may serve an association, a self-help structure or a student facility.
- A presentation of the association and its purpose
- A description of the project submitted to the Foundation specifying the theme to which it relates
- A letter of motivation written by the employee making the request
- A detailed budget
Annual participation of each subsidiary, up to 1% of the OCR, with a minimum overall commitment of €100,000 per year.
The selection of applications is entrusted to the Foundation's Steering Committee, composed of its director and a representative from each country.
The Committee meets every three months to examine the files and decide on their admissibility.
Among the criteria studied were: the motivation of the association's representatives and sponsor*, the number of senior beneficiaries, the originality of the project and the possibility for other employees to join it. The project must be carried out within one year of the application.
The scope of actions and projects extends to the countries where Damartex is present (France, Belgium, UK, Germany, Tunisia).
* The sponsor is not necessarily the one who implements it,
which means that other employees of the company or other brands of the group can take part in it
Submit a project