Nathalie Ventré (Damart France)

  • tell us about the project:

This involves financing 12 sports therapy courses for "senior" cancer patients for 10 months, at the rate of 2 sessions per week, in town/outpatient, in the Lille Metropolitan Area, with CAMI Sport & Cancer.

  • tell us about your experience as a godmother:

I wanted to carry this project, which corresponds to the Foundation's vocation to encourage the activity of seniors to improve their well-being. I am convinced that the quality of life of seniors can be improved through sport in general, and in particular for cancer patients.

  • what did you like about it?

The exchange with CAMI's partner and the Foundation's referees. Build the project and support it until it is implemented.

  • your experience in 3 words:

Well-being, solidarity and quality of life.