Axel Gosseries - Member of the Councilit managerial


Who are you people?

I am a philosopher and jurist, professor at the University of Louvain, head of the Hoover Chair of Economic and Social Ethics and researcher at the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (Belgium).


Why did you join the Foundation?

The Foundation's work is directly related to my research on age justice issues.


How do you see your role?

Contribute to the debate of ideas on the projects to be imagined and encouraged, and be attentive to initiatives in this field, with the offbeat view of a philosopher.


What ambitions do you have for the Foundation?

To be one of the levers of a society buzzing with projects sensitive to the opportunities to be seized and the needs to be met in a society proud of its elders, and to the requirements of justice between the ages.